Friday, September 10, 2021

16 November 1939

 "The Hen and Her Chicks" club met at the house of Bess. Nov. 16. '39. The meeting opened by singing our new club song entitled "The Hen and Her Chicks," which Ethel composed and we certainly all approved of it. The (reading) minutes were read and approved for the previous meeting. Margaret E. and Ethel gave a few house hold hints which the members down in notes. All of the members were present and had the pleasure of having two "Roosters" Brother Miller & Budmond Frye. Also a little peep named Barbara Paul. It was moved by Ethel and sec. by Bess that we will not hold our regular meeting of the following Thursday on account of that being Thanksgiving. 

But will be held two weeks from the day of this meeting at the house of Savilla. The treasure [er] gave a report on the treasury to the amount of $6.00. Dues amounting to $1.50. It was moved by Margaret that Ethel look into the matter of shows and the Little Theater programs, in regards to the times when the club wanted to celebrate such as theater & dinner. During the business meeting the members got on the subject of driving cars, which had to be rapped down by the Pres. We didn't get very with the business until the members started on the subject of the different models of cars. Now we are discussing the subject of going to Akron. Savilla made the remark that she hated to go away with out her ???

It was moved by Savilla and sec. by Verda that if we can get the car we will go to Akron to see Mary another one of the chicks on Saturday morning. The meeting was thus give in charge of the program comm[ittee] which was Margaret & Verda. They gave a party line gossip. Then they sang two duets, one in English and another in high German. Verda then read an article entitled "The Photographer." The club sang all together different selections. We closed our meeting by singing our Club song. The next meeting will be held at Savilla and Bess [sic]. The members gave a rising notes of thanks to the hostess & also the program comm[ittee]. Bess served the members with most delicious dinner & I am sure we all eat to [sic] much, the question came up whether or not we should fine her for having so many different dishes.

Pres. Savilla
Secry. Verda
Treas. Mother

Well we did get to go to Akron through the kind (genoristy) generosity of our Dear Brother-in-Law Le Roy Felix. We had a brand new Mercury & Ethel done all the driving. ?????  We left Johnstown at 4:35 Saturday morning and arrived at Akron at 11:45 & that was not bad, having  as we got on the wrong road & when we discovered it we were only 17 miles from Cleveland. 

All of the members went & I do not think that there is ones [sic] that will ever forget this trip. It is quite unbelievable that 6 daughters and their mother could all be to-gether with out having a son-in-law or an off spring with them. The weather was beautiful going & coming, we left Akron at 3:15 P.M. Sunday & arrived in Johnstown at 9:15 stopping twice on the way back. Mary was so surprised that she had to cry & I guess we all had a little lump in our throats. But we soon cheered ??? up. We read our minutes to her & sang our Club Song. We had enough money in our treasury to buy all the gas & also to get something to eat for each one of us. There is a balance of (3) three cents in the treas. We have all decided that we are going back just as soon as we have enough money in the treas. to take us. And we are sure that this trip will go down in History.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

9 November 1939

"The Hen and Her Chicks" met at the house of Margaret E. Nov. 9, '39. All of the Sisters being present except Savilla, whom we missed very much and (perfhaps) perhaps was the fault of Verda. We had the pleasure having another rooster none other than Brother-inLaw, LeRoy Felix. The club had asked Ethel to compose a song suitable for the club opening and closing of our meetings. But due to the fact that Ethel was sick and was unable to do it, she has promised faithfully that she would have it ready for the meeting or there would be a fine imposed on her. We had reading of the minutes for the previous meeting read which were approved.

During the reading of the minutes we were interrupted by having another "Rooster" non other than Garnett Eplett. It was moved sec. by the members that each member bring a house hold hint or receipe [sic] to each meeting. The next meeting will be held at the house of Bess. The entertaining comm [committee] will be in charge of Margaret E. and Verda for the next meeting. The meeting was then turned over to the program com. [committee] Which was in [the] charge of Mother and Ethel. "The Hens" sang Dutch song and several other selections in high opera and I mean high, which was very enjoyed by all. Ethel gave a dialogue entitled "On The Wrong Train," which gave a very hearty laugh.

Ethel then played the piano and the club members all sang, we surely enjoyed this singing. Dues amounted to $1.25. Margaret E. served a very delicious sauer kraut [sic] dinner and we all eat [ate] until we had the "belly ache." The members all gave a rising vote of thanks to the hostess and also to the program [comm]. Bess acting as Pres In the absence of Savilla our Pres.

Acting Pres. Bess
Secr'y Verda
Treas Mother.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

2 November 1939

The Club met at the house of Ethel Nov. 2-'39. All of the Sister's [sic] & Mother being present. We had one visitor, a rooster, none other then [sic] Brother Miller.

The name of the club was voted as "The Hen and Her Chicks." We all thought this to be a very appropriate name. It was moved & sec. by the members that the acting officers will hold these offices for the period of (3) three months. It was moved by Sister Bessie & sec. by Ethel that the secretary buys a minute book taken from the treasure [sic] for the minutes of the club. It was suggested by the member that we hold our meetings once a week until the weather is not permittable [sic].

It was moved by Bess & sec by Verda that we open & close our business meeting with a song It was moved & sec. by the members that Ethel compose a song suitable for our club until the next meeting. The meeting will be held at the house of Margaret E. Thursday of next wee. it was moved & sec. by the members that Mother & Ethel have charge of the program for the next meeting. The meeting was turned over to the program com. which was in [the] charge of Bess and Savilla. Bess read an essay entitled "The Horse," which was enjoyed by the members. Savilla rendered a solo playing her own accompaintment [sic] entitled "Way Down on the Bingo Farm."

A Reading by Savilla entitled "a Modern Nursery Ryme [sic]." This program was enjoyed by all. Ethel served the members with a very delicious dinner. Dues amounted to $1.75. A Rising vote of thanks was extended by the members to the hostess & the program Comm.

Pres. Savilla
Sec'y. Verda
Treas. Mother 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

25 October 1939


The club met at the house of Verda Oct. 25 – ’39. This meeting was held more as a business meeting & to be organized[.] the object of the meetings are for the Sisters & Mother to gather to sew for who ever you are visiting. All of the member were there except Margaret & therefore we had to postpone the naming of the club. The following suggestions were made for the Club name. The Warriors – The Six Muskateers [sic] – The Hen & Her Chicks – The Happy[-]Go-Lucky – Good Cheer – Clan Gossip[.] The names will be voted on at the next meeting. It was moved & sec. by the members that we will talk Dutch at all our meetings. It was moved & sec. by the members that we carry our own siccors [scissors] & thimbles to each meeting.

It was moved & sec. by members that we pay .25¢ dues at each meeting. The dues amounted to $1.25[.]

The program course.[?] for the next meeting will be in charge of Savilla & Bess. The next meeting will be held at Ethel’s.

                        Acting        Pres.             —             Savilla.
                             "            Sec’y.                        Verda.
                             "            Treas.                            Mother.